Quality and Reliability make CompuStar the Top Contender
By: Christopher K.
Date: 06/04/2023
I've been a CompuStar equipment owner/user for approximately three months. I purchased and had a DC3 remote-start system installed in February of 2022. In the following three months, I've had an X1 LTE module installed, along with an ALARM-IT kit and upgraded the two-way remote to a model T9. The company behind CompuStar, FirsTech, LLC, is a first-class company putting the right resources into design and manufacturing ensuring value and satisfactory outcomes for their customer base. I am ultra-satisfied with my remote start/security system! It is SUCH a pleasing experience to be able to walk out to my 1999 Chevy Suburban and it is not sweltering hot upon entry due to climate control enabled by my CompuStar remote-start system. I can check vehicle battery voltage and interior temperature from my phone or my fob - let alone start/stop the engine and lock/unlock the doors. CompuStar are the go-to guys for remote-start systems and accessories. Highly recommended manufacturer making highly recommended, top-of-the-line equipment.