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Attribution is Required

When using Firstech images, attribution to Firstech, LLC. and/or its brands is required. Failure to properly include attribution when posting/sharing Firstech’s images may result in penalties, fines, and/or legal action. Firstech will also not be held responsible for any losses and/or damages resulting in failed attribution.

Ownership of Images

This document defines the ownership and attribution of images shown on Images of Compustar, DroneMobile, Momento, and Firstech products are owned and produced by Firstech, LLC. To request use of these images, please email our marketing team at

Firstech, LLC. is also an authorized licensee of images produced by third party companies.  These images and licenses are non-transferrable and by using these images, you indemnify Firstech, LLC. from any damages caused by the unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, recording, or modification of these images. These licenses are summarized below.

Automotive Images

Automotive Images, Copyright [2000 – 2025] izmo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Select automotive images contained herein are owned by izmo, Inc. and are protected under United States and international copyright law. Access to and use of these images is restricted by terms and conditions of a separate license agreement. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, recording or modification of these images is strictly prohibited.”

Images of Apple Products, Applications, and/or Services

Android, Android Automotive, Android Auto, Google Pixel and Google Play are a trademark of Google, Inc.

Images of Google Products, Applications, and/or Services

Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple, Inc.